Dear Moderator

Dear Moderator,
My name is Lily Warrington Candidate No. 1732 , welcome to my A Level Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work I have undertaken for the Making Media (Component 03/04) non-examined assessment (NEA) within the OCR H409 GCE A Level course in Media Studies. 

I worked independently on Brief 4: music video and online to produce a three-minute music video for a fictional dance artist signed to Universal Music, and the working website for my artist. My production is aimed at a culturally sophisticated, 15+ class AB demographic. 

Below you will find evidence of my research and planning for this task, including:

 * my research into professionally produced music videos and artist websites that are similar in genre, style and form to those proposed in my chosen production brief. This includes:

 * My deconstruction, analysis and notes on these professionally produced music videos and artist websites that has developed my knowledge and understanding  of my chosen media form’s distinctive media language. 

This includes for example:
• how genre conventions are employed 
• how and why intertextuality is employed 
• how combinations of media language elements such as camerawork, editing, soundtrack and mise en are mise en scène are used to create meaning and construct representations that address an intended audience. 

I have also analysed professional artist websites as part of my cross-media brief in terms of: 
• layout 
• navigation 
• use of language 
• use of images/text/audio/video.

You will also find the Statement of Intent I have completed for my cross-media production My Statement of Intent outlines the ways in I proposed to link my media products to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of my production. I also outline the ways in which I proposed to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of the brief.


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